We know, mornings are often all in a hurry, with lots of rushing, but if there is one thing we like to take the time to do in our morning routine, it's breakfast and a delicious coffee. This recipe for yogurt, fruit, granola, and nut butter parfait has all the ingredients for a perfect breakfast. Scrumptious and quick to prepare, it’s the perfect addition to your coffee, no matter if that’s a filter coffee or espresso!

yogourt granola fruits parfait

Yogurt, Fruit, Granola and Nut Butter Parfait Recipe


  • 1 cup vanilla or plain Greek yogurt

  • 1/2 cup fruit of your choice (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas, apples, etc.)

  • 1/2 cup of granola

  • 1 large tablespoon of your choice of nut butter

For this recipe, we used almond and hazelnut butter.


  • Wash and chop the fruit

  • Place yogurt and fruit in a bowl

  • Add the granola

  • Finish by drizzling the spoonful of nut butter on top of your yogurt parfait

  • Enjoy!

granola fruits parfait

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