What’s the Difference Between Arabica and Robusta Coffee?
One of the questions that coffee experts probably hear the most is:“What’s the difference between Arabica and Robusta?” The two types of coffee plants are at opposite ends of the spectrum, and by blending the two together, we can achieve the best of both worlds.
Our caffeinated essentials for back-to-school survival
Back-to-school or back-to-the-office always means... coffee! Here are some tips to help you get ready for this time of year, when coffee often becomes a necessity. Stock up on coffee! There's nothing like a good cup of coffee to motivate...
« Comment conserver mon café? » Cette question sur la conservation revient souvent. Comme elle revient beaucoup et qu’il y a plusieurs écoles de pensée à ce sujet, on a décidé de faire le point sur la fameuse question!
On vous montre, en quelques étapes faciles, comment faire de la mousse de lait froide «cold foam» avec une cafetière à piston!
Ultimate buying guide for your next espresso grinder
The grinder is an essential component of any respectable coffee corner, that's why it's important to buy a quality grinder. In fact, we often tell our customers that the choice of grinder is as important as the choice of espresso...
How to Choose Between Type V and Type R Machines?
Type V ou type R? Comment différencier ces deux types? Ces deux modèles possèdent certaines caractéristiques similaires, il est donc important de savoir les différencier afin de faire un choix éclairé.
What to do With Coffee Grounds?
Les résidus de votre infusion de café vont bien évidemment dans le compost, mais le marc de café a aussi d’innombrables utilisations en cuisine, en beauté et en entretien ménager. Voici quelques façons de récupérer vos kilos de café!
The ultimate guide for perfect espresso
IN THIS ARTICLE: What are the different roasts of coffee?Why an espresso blend?The different portafiltersWhat is a single, double, short and long espresso?How to adjust your grind and espresso grinder?Notes on pressure on the coffee tamper In the following lines,...