Grilled corn with Coffee Rub and Piri Piri mayo

June 14, 2024 1 min read

Maïs grillé au rub au café avec mayo Piri Piri - Café Barista

Find in the article:
Grilled Corn Recipe


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With the arrival of the summer season also comes the barbecue season! That's why here we share a delicious recipe for Coffee Rub Grilled Corn, served with Piri Piri Mayonnaise. It's very easy to make and is the perfect accompaniment to your favorite grilling. Without further ado, here's the recipe!

Grilled Corn Recipe


- Corn
- Salted butter
- Coffee Rub
-  Piri Piri Sauce
- 1 to 2 limes
- Mayonnaise
- Cilantro


1. Soften the butter, add about 1 tablespoon of rub to the coffee and mix well until the butter in the rub is homogeneous

2. Cover the corn with an even layer of butter

3. Grill the corn until golden brown

4. Remove from heat and let them rest while you make the Piri Piri mayo

5. For the mayonnaise, mix about 3/4 cup of mayo with 1/4 cup of our Piri Piri sauce and a little lime juice (adjust the proportions to your taste)

6. Drizzle mayonnaise over corn and garnish with cilantro and lime juice

7. Serve with your favorite grilled dishes and enjoy!

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