My 1st Coffee 20th Anniversary Special; Pizzeria NO. 900

June 20, 2024 3 min read

Mon 1er Café Spécial 20 ans: Pizzeria NO. 900 - Café Barista


Find in the article:

Pizzeria No. 900; a story of passion and Neapolitan pizza

Pizzeria No. 900 and Barista; The genesis and evolution of collaboration

Tips and tricks; Neapolitan pizza

Rapid fire questions 

To mark our 20th anniversary in a special way, we are returning to those who have been with us for many years. We highlight our beautiful collaborations by revisiting our memories and exchanging on our beginnings! We started our tour at the home of our friend Michel Favuzzi from Favuzzi, then with Stéphanie and Marie-Claude from ES Café, and we now continue with Alexandre Brunet, co-founder of Pizzeria No. 900. This winter, Alex went to the chain's very first location on Bernard Street in Montreal to chat with his long-time friend and collaborator about the beginnings of the company and their collaboration, as well as how it has evolved over the years!

Pizzeria No. 900; a story of passion and Neapolitan pizza

"I started making pizza, then the pizzaolo* looked at my boss and said, 'He's not going back to the dishwasher' after three or four days. From then on, I continued to work in that restaurant for eight years, before deciding to open my own restaurant,"Alexandre explains about his beginnings in the restaurant industry.

At the age of 14, he was introduced to the profession of pizzaiolo* in the restaurant where he worked for 8 years, before deciding to open his own restaurant: Stromboli. After fifteen years of operation, Alexandre felt the need for "things to move" and began to think about the next step in his career. Having a great passion for Neapolitan pizza, he decided to open his version of the perfect restaurant: a pizzeria specializing in this type of pizza.

* Pizzaiolo:Person who makes pizzas in a pizzeria, or an athlete requiring a lot of training as Alexandre illustrates, due to the expertise required in the profession.

Pizzeria No. 900 and Barista; The genesis and evolution of collaboration

"We had friendship before, but we're still in business, which means it's really the quality of the coffee and the quality of the service," explains Alexandre on the relationship between the two companies.

The collaboration between Pizzeria No. 900 and Barista was born out of the long-standing friendship between Alexandre and Alex and has lasted over the years. After all, there's nothing better than a good coffee after enjoying a delicious Neapolitan pizza.

Tips and tricks; Neapolitan pizza

Did you know that Pizzeria No.900 is AVPN (Vera Pizza Napoletana) certified? That is to say, it is certified authentic according to the rules of the art of traditional Neapolitan pizza. This type of pizza and the craftsmanship behind it were even listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2017 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity!

"There are still several rules, but the main one is the dough, so it has to be made on site, it has to grow at room temperature. You can stop it in the refrigerator, but you have to let it grow at room temperature, then it must cook at 900; 90 seconds 900 degrees," Alexandre reveals on the art of Neapolitan pizza.

Rapid fire questions

Alex: What's your favorite kind of pizza?
Alexandre: Margherita.

Alex:How do you drink your coffee?
Alexandre: Quick... And with lots of milk!

Alex: A good thing at home for people who want to make Neapolitan pizza?
Alexandre: Me, the thing I love to give to everyone: parchment paper. You make your pizza on it, you put it on your pallet, then 10 seconds after you put your pizza in the oven, you remove the paper. Seriously, yes, you must, everyone must know it.


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