Want to make filter coffee but not sure how to do it? Curious to learn more about the brewing method with a drip coffee maker? This quick guide is just for you!

Drip coffee machines are most often used due to their simplicity. There are a multitude of brands on the market that offer premium quality beverages, thanks to a well-regulated water temperature (between 90 and 96 degrees Celsius). The brewing time of the coffee will vary from 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the machine.

For the least expensive appliances, their design will not seek to offer adequate heat and will pour much too hot water on the coffee grind... This will result in a burnt coffee.

In fact, contrary to popular belief, filter coffee contains more caffeine than espresso! While an espresso has about 63 mg of caffeine, a 240 ml cup of filter coffee contains approximately 140 mg.




Use a medium to medium-coarse grind. We recommend that you grind your coffee at the time of purchase or at home with a grinder, in order to optimize its freshness. Note that pre-ground coffees such as espresso ground coffee in bags are generally too fine for the extraction of a filter coffee.



Check your coffee maker's guide for the recommended filter size. We recommend the use of Oxygen-bleached  Filters. We do not recommend gold mesh or reusable filters, as they can cause inconsistent extraction times and are difficult to clean properly. Also note that brown paper filters could change the taste of your coffee, which could be unpleasant.



If your water tastes good to drink, it will make a good coffee. We recommend using water filtered with a carafe (Brita brand water filter for example) or bottled water. Bad minerals coming directly from the plumbing could, in the long run, damage your machine.  In addition, we strongly advise against the use of distilled water, as it can damage the heating element of the coffee maker.



The water-to-coffee ratio we recommend follows industry standards, but your taste preferences may vary. If your coffee is too strong, add hot water to your cup after brewing. If it's too light, try a different strength of coffee or beans from another region instead. 

We recommend a ratio of 1:16 (i.e. 20 grams of coffee for 320ml of water, for example). You can also follow this small table of measurements:

15g of coffee per 250ml (1 cup)

63g of coffee per 1L (8 cups)

78g of coffee per 1.25L (10 cups)

112g of coffee per 1.8L (15 cups)


You can also change the water-to-coffee ratio as needed: if you want a lighter coffee, try a 1:20 ratio. On the contrary, for a coffee with a stronger taste, a ratio of 1:13. 



  1. Fill the tank with cold or room temperature water to the desired level with filtered water. Place the lid on the water tank.
  2. Place a paper filter in the brewing basket. Refer to your coffee maker's guide to choose the right type of filter. Caution: Do not remove the lid during brewing; the water becomes boiling.
  3. Add the ground coffee. See the chart above for recommended proportions.
  4. Place the brew basket on the stand; position the outlet arm in the center of the brew basket. Place the lid on the brew basket. For models with a manually adjustable brew basket, adjust the slider to the open position.
  5. Place the carafe in position and turn the power switch to the "ON" position.  The brewing will start quickly; the water will be brought to a boil, rise into the coffee maker through the outlet arm, and then flow into the brew basket. Refer to your coffee maker's guide for brewing times.

Discover now the true taste of coffee, perfectly brewed with your Moccamaster machine!



You enjoy filter coffee? Dolce and Marrone will be our most light-bodied coffees in our filter range. On the contrary, if you like very intense coffees, go with Nero, our only black roast coffee or Africano, for its balanced taste.




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