You've come to know us pretty well, we love to try out all kinds of recipes whether it's desserts, dishes featuring our coffees, espresso or filter coffee-based beverages a little "funky", in short, there's no stopping us! So we didn't hesitate a single second before trying out a recipe that's become very popular on social networks lately: the crème brulée cappuccino! If, like us, you're a fan of this delicious dessert, you're sure to love its cappuccino version!

Preparing your crème brûlée cappuccino is simple: just make a cappuccino as usual. This delicious beverage can be made with Gran Barista, Venezia, Cremone or your favourite espresso blend . You'll also need a small amount of sugar and a torch. We'll show you how right here!

Preparing the crème-brûlée cappuccino

  1. Grind between 14g and 18g of coffee, in a filter holder, and extract a double espresso in a heat-resistant cappuccino cup.
  2. Prepare the cappuccino froth by frothing yourfavorite cow's milk or vegetable drink.
  3. Finish the cappuccino with the hot milk and milk foam.
  4. Sprinkle a teaspoon of white sugar over the dense cappuccino foam.
  5. Light the torch and caramelize the sugar on the foam for the first time.
  6. Once the sugar has caramelized, sprinkle a second layer of sugar over the first.
  7. Caramelize this second layer of sugar to obtain a hard sugar layer like that of a crème brûlée.
  8. Using a spoon, break up the sugar layer and mix with the coffee.

To discover more recipes forespresso-basedbeverages , visit the recipes section of our blog!

You can also discover all our tips and tricks for making the best coffee at home on our YouTube channel! Here, we show you how to extract a perfect espresso and how to get a cappuccino foam with the best possible texture and consistency. With that, all that's left is to wish you a great crème brulée cappuccino!

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