What equipment do you maintain?

Manual espresso machines

Machines espresso automatiques


Manual espresso machines

Discover our maintenance recommendations to ensure the long life of your espresso machine.

Every use
  • Run the shower before and after serving coffee.
  • Activate the steam nozzle before and after use. Wipe milk from the steam nozzle.
  • Cleaning the pitcher and filter holder
Every week
  • Scrub the seal and shower with a Teflon brush.
  • Perform a backflush with the blind filter holder and water, if your machine allows it
  • Clean the water collection tray at the front of the machine
  • Soak filters and filter holders in water and 1g of cleaning powder (about a dime).
Every month

If your machine allows backflush rinsing

  • Perform a backflush with the blind filter holder and water, adding 1g of cleaning powder.

If your machine does not allow this

  • Fill your machine's water tank
  • Add the quantity of descaler indicated on the packaging
  • Pour the entire tank into a cup to clean the water pipes.
Every year
  • Change water softener in machine
  • Check seal for leaks

Automatic espresso machines

Simply listen to your machine's indicator lights and trust its instructions to guarantee delicious coffee for a long time to come!

Regular cleaning

The descaling indicator lights up continuously when you need to descale. It's that simple!

For the Slim Latte

  • Activate the steam nozzle before and after each use. Wipe the milk from it.

For Slim Vapore

  • Fill the milk tank with water and press the cleaning button.

Please refer to the Bellucci instruction manual for the exact steps to follow for each of these procedures.

Deep cleaning

Contact us to let our experts take care of the deep cleaning of your Bellucci machine, or do it yourself according to the Bellucci guide.


It's the most important part of your coffee equipment! Here are a few tips to ensure that your beans stay fresh for a long time.

Every 6 months
  • Insert approx. 35g of Grindz pastilles and grind them whole
  • Grind some coffee to ensure that all residuals are removed

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